Welcome to My Blog

Thank  you for coming to read what I am about!  For now please review my website, the gallery and my offerings.

Then please call me to see how I can be of service or what we can share with each other!

Yes I am open for sessions.  I am seeing 3-4 people per week, so when you come be assured I am healthy with lots of energy for sensual play!

I ask that you not have been sick for 10 days prior to visiting me. As with any other time, this is a good protocol.  

Please wait for 3 weeks after ANY vaccine to see me. During this time period your immune system is very active, and any extra stress could overwhelm it.  You could be exposed to a wild natural virus which compromises you and could mutate as a reaction itself to the antibody building process. Also during this time for any of  the 4-5 brands of covid19 shots you mass produce the spike protein, which can be transmitted to others.  While I believe we will all be exposed to these spike proteins, during the first 3 weeks after a shot you are more likely to transmit these foreign proteins to others through fluid, respiratory expectorants and/or skin.  Please be respectful of myself and the few clients that I see.  We are complex biochemical creatures but simple protocols are very helpful.

To ease your concerns, I remind you that I use my skills in hygiene and sterilization that I learned in 13 years in the medical field. I have spent the last many months reviewing old knowledge as well as learning whatever my brain can absorb about the present environment of health.  I am more on the Bechamp camp than the Pasteur camp, meaning I am more aligned with the biological terrain theory of health and disease, rather than the germ theory of health and disease. This does not mean that I do not believe that foreign pathogens can cause disease. They can and do!  Creating a strong, healthy immune environment in body, mind and spirit is the holistic approach to life that has kept me well and happy for many years.

Let's talk. Not too much texting please. I'd like to hear your voice, and you mine.

xxooo Shakra