How do you live a sexy life? What are the little things you do to honor your masculinity? To honor your woman's femininity? To draw in a woman to your proud and strong energy?
To bring her close? To enter the path of harmonious love and sex fulfilled? To show the way?
To have fantastic sex and great love? Where do you start?
Sex is by nature polarized. It is the coming together of two opposing energies in great kinetic attraction like two magnets smashing toward each other in record speed. It is the slow dance of sexy love, free and open sways of curiosity.
Take a lesson from the Bowerbirds. Your mastery at building a bachelor domain and your creativity at expressing your inner beautiful show off both your ability to provide for your love interest and display what she sees as your ability to express yourself.
A good man in life is a doer and a self-expresser. And he is super sexy when he is both. Do the outer man stuff! Express the inner self and master authentic connection. Authenticity is sexy!
Male bowerbirds use their intelligence to impress the females, constructing elaborate structures called bowers to attract mates. They are not only master builders, but also accomplished artists. Males of some species decorate their bowers lavishly with flower petals and sparkly manmade objects.
Show off your skills and evoke the 'oooo I like that" response!
If you are single take some time and look around your bachelor pad. What do you think is attractive and honestly reflects who you are? Is it put together like a master builder? Is there added decor that a woman can enjoy and feel safe sinking into her delicious soft receptive self?
Add some sensual color, sensual fabric like a few nice fleece throws, and some attractive soft pillows.
If she can see that you express your manhood in a powerful way and also show an invitation for her to relax, she will feel welcome and really start to want your hard cock.