Anatomy Helps to Explain the Mystery!

Welcome to my open heart!  I kiss the air of love!  Here is my latest meandering:

There really is a mystery to the arousal process of a man, the same way there is a mystery to the arousal process of a woman.  But because two male organs (well 3, since one is doubled) sit outside the body, and the obvious sheer size of them, male genitalia have been studied extensively and the so-called mystery has been removed from our conversation.  I believe however that men are mysterious, not as simple as we are cajoled into believing.  And their mystery lies in their beingness, the sweet Soul Essence of who they are.  Men have been raped of this divinity and the beautiful mysterious masculine creativity.  Divine Beings of Heart and Soul (and Sexiness!) I do love you.
While at the same time all the power of mystique has been handed over to women!  Well true, we are Mysterious and Glorious!!  But my suspicions that physically we are as mechanical as men came when I discovered numerous variables in my ability to create orgasms during routine tasks of self pleasure.  Years ago.  I became a robot of orgasm.  I know exactly what makes me orgasm and what does not.  So I am not so mysterious to myself and if I can remove my own mystery, I can teach someone else, and show them mechanically what makes me orgasm.  
Sadly it has taken eons for scientists to truly examine the clitoris and the orgasmic response.  Please read the article posted under ~ The Whole Clitoris ~  Study that, draw your own pictures, share it with your lover; she probably does not know herself!
As for me, I'm heading to the bedroom to do my own research.... so please be in touch later for some wonderful connections!

blessings and love
~ Shakra ~