Contemplating the sun, the snow, travel to the jungle and the beach... preparing for big changes in our world... we dream and we dream big.
"Love is not the ability to pour warm feelings upon a hostile world, but rather, the willingness to be an open channel for the Divine Spirit in all places and at all times.", says HK, who is one of my spiritual guides and mentors.
In these fast paced times when the earth's vibrations are speeding up (literally!) and the energies all around us are this seemingly insurmountable pressure to submit to that which was created for us (without our input), we are challenged to bring our focus and attention back to the source of ourselves. We are living during the KALI YUGA, the era of accelerated darkness. Yet we are SOUL, divine beings infused with the Godforce to create and co-create. We have many new and ancient teachings to guide and sustain us. Let us use them to our fullest expansion of Love and Joy.
The truest key to fulfill your life is to be truthful to yourself and sincere in all your interactions. Sincerity is the key to a life of purity and love.